Exciting Announcement

We would like to inform you of the (re)creation of the

The mission of this committee is to:
Improve morale and camaraderie through social events, appreciation and recognition of excellence, and supporting members through tough times.
The individuals involved in supporting the welfare and promoting the good are:
Chair- Cindy Ihm
Member- Kristen Annastasia
Member- Matt Tidd
Member- Wanda Wullschleger
Member- Gina Rambeau
Our first order of business as a committee (which was very fitting) was to visit Senior Business Agent Cliff Leo Tillman, Jr. in the hospital during his recent health scare.

We will be recognizing a member every month.
If there is someone who you would like to nominate for "Member of the Month" for going above and beyond, please email us at good@afscmelocal2620.org.
Please provide examples of how the nominee demonstrates outstanding dedication, service and commitment, and/or promotes teamwork and inspires others.
If there is someone going through a tough time who could use a little support from their fellow Brothers and Sisters, please email us at good@afscmelocal2620.org.
We look forward to serving you in this new capacity. If you have any other ideas and/or suggestions, please feel free to contact us at good@afscmelocal2620.org.