General Election Results

Official Ballot Results

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees

Local 2620


Notice of Final Election Results for the following:

General Election

The results are certified as follows:


Northern Vice President

Mildred Ingram 127 (run-off)
John Jones 33
Adriel Reyes 102 (run-off)

As no candidate received a majority of the votes cast for the office, a run-off will be held.


Emiko Betty Bell 87 (run-off)
Kathryn Manness 94 (run-off)
Mona Mosk 77

As no candidate received a majority of the votes cast for the office, a run-off will be held.


Cynthia Brannon 102
Yok Choi 162 (duly elected)


Christopher Enriquez 100
Janelle Fisher 150 (duty elected)
Terri Sanders 147 (duly elected)
Richard Taylor 143 (duty elected)

Council 57 Delegates

Bernard Akagha 72
Julissa Barton 49
Betty Emiko Bell 87   (duly elected)
Cynthia Brannon 72
Darrel Charbaszcz 54
Belinda Devall 74
Sheila Dibaji 43
Tiffany Freymiller 51
Therese Gardner 58
Belinda Gilmer 67
Debra Johnson 102 (duly elected)
Alice Juarez 79   (duly elected)
Cheryl Kidd 62
Christina Moreno 49
Denise Nicks 90   (duly elected)
John Quick 34
Leanna Quintana 55
Terri Sanders 76   (duly elected)
Thomas Scott 45
Wanda Wullschleger 94   (duly elected)
Josephina Yepez 54
Eric Young 143  (duly elected)

396  envelopes picked up from P.O. Box

336 Outside envelopes processed:

6 envelopes had a secret ballot envelope with ballots outside the secret ballot envelope.  The secret ballot envelope was placed in the ballot box. These non-secret ballots could not be counted.

336  secret ballot envelope placed in ballot box,  outside envelope stored

326 secret ballots opened

10 secret ballots placed in secret envelop ballot box, then later disqualified because of identifying marks

36 envelopes from last election validated by stickers used for that mailing

18 envelopes were verified, but not opened secondary to having no secret ballot envelope, not accepted

3 no signature, no secret ballot-not accepted

1 envelope, name unreadable- not accepted

1 envelope, no name, no signature – not accepted

1 envelope, ballot outside of secret envelope, secret ballot envelope was empty, not accepted